Choose from these graphic primitives:


The default is none. Choose this to report the color information associated with a particular pixel in the image. Just move your pointer anywhere of interest in your image and press button 1. The color information for that particular pixel is returned as individual red, green, blue, and alpha intensities and as a color name (e.g. white) or hex value (e.g. #feff00).

Use color to change the color of a pixel. Choose from these methods:


The target pixel is the one you click on within the image boundaries . The point method recolors the target pixel. The replace method recolors any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel. Floodfill recolors any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel and is a neighbor. Whereas filltoborder recolors any neighbor pixel that is not the border color. Finally, reset recolors all pixels.

Use matte to the change the pixel matte value to transparent. Follow the pixel coordinate with a method (see the color primitive for a description of methods). The point method changes the matte value of the target pixel. The replace method changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel. Floodfill changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel and is a neighbor. Whereas filltoborder changes the matte value any neighbor pixel that is not the border color. Finally reset changes the matte value of all pixels.
